New Release Means Hunt Fun at Prim & Pixel Paradise
DATES: Saturday, February 14th through February 18th at 9 PM LST so no rush :)
My raffle ball will be up and giving out one "Romantic Hot Air Ballon for 2" OR one "Romantic Rocking Chair for 2" every 30 minutes. RULES ON RAFFLE 1) No need to touch it. 2) No need to be near it. 3) SIX people must be on the shop land for it to go off. 4) Items given by the raffle ball will be TRANSFER TODAY ONLY so you can gift them. Note, if you OPEN the BOX it will make the item no transfer! SO if you are gifting give the unopened box. THESE ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY FEBRUARY 14th, SLT.
NEW RELEASE means a NEW HUNT at Prim & Pixel Paradise!! I've created a nice Carribean Weekender ensemble of a color coordinated mallot swimsuit, hoodie, sun hat, shoes, sunbrella, beach bag, beach towel, tanning reflector, which is available in pink, fuschia, aqua, peach and the "hunt color of lime".
There are SIXTEEN (16) beachballs to find. They are all pretty large so they should be easy to spot. Check the sample on the dock. As usual, if you perfer to not hunt, the hunt color is specially priced at 200L (reduced 99L) and available for purchase.
To add some FUN, I've left the beachballs set to physical which means, if bumped, pushed or kicked they will roll about. They ARE all NUMBERED si mousingover any of them will show you which it is and you can check to see if you already have it.
This also means I won't be able to give direct TP's to each of them as I have done before. I can list general locations however, I can't be sure one of your fellow hunters has pushed them across the shop. :)
All items EXCEPT those in SAMPLE/HINT beachball are made by me. It also contains a variety of tropical freebies to enhance your SL vacation get away. All of these items are copy/transfer and in some cases also modify. Be sure to buy i for 0L at the dock out front.
As always, my hunts are meant to be fun, not frustrating! If you find yourself stumped by one or two beach balls, IM me or my sister (Mairead Fitzgerald or Karra Babii) for hints - as best we can give considering the mobility of the beachballs.
Other $0L Gifts from Mairead & Karra
GREATEST LOVE & VAIN KISSES Items as well as our Romantic 3 Heart Lamp, Blue Wandering Butterfly, Twinkle Twinkle Star, Primroses & Lace Belted Skirt, Queen of the Silver Dollar Glow Go Go Bracelets, What The Hell Silks, What The Hell Skin, Merry Widow Necklace. Songbird Birdhouse. Tiny Kajira Dance Vase, and if you tp to our PREFABS area there are 2 gothic fireplaces, Chained Heart silks set, Skybox (1L), and Fantasy Wall Art.
Look for holiday specials in BigD Apparel and check out Hig's fairy shop in the grotto.
From our hearts to yours...
Mairead & Karra
Prim & Pixel Paradise
"Life is in the details."